Every great piece of writing starts with strategy - words come second. Each and every organization has a unique story to tell, and I work to find what that unique value is and put words to the vision.

I love crafting compelling stories, raising awareness, and putting the right words and visuals together that mean something and make an impact on someone.

For the past decade, I’ve been in a role leading communications and community engagement. This includes:

  • developing and identifying creative content;

  • building and implementing annual communication plans including all campaign and social media efforts;

  • aligning teams to editorial calendars and tracking KPI’s;

  • coordinating both internal and external communications with funders, partners, and key stakeholders; and,

  • cultivating relationships and building trust via impact reporting and storytelling.

I strive to inspire a deeper understanding of our world through wonder and ultimately inspire action.

Recent writing projects:

I’m currently writing for Yuno - a general knowledge app. My focus falls under the Nature and the Innovations playlists, and I’ve authored 25 stories under those topics. My job is to develop each playlist in partnership with the content team and research and write on climate, the environment, and public health.

some of my other writings, findings, and adventures in the world: